{{ :wiki:helo_world_2.png?nolink&400 |}} {{ :wiki:rigassault.jpg?nolink&400 |}} ======OIL RIG ASSAULT====== Several oil rigs in the red markers may be controlled by the enemy. you may recon these rigs and eliminate the enemy there, and/or you may conduct an assault using the zodiac vehicle found in the CTLD menu. To capture the oil rigs, deploy the zodiac (see [[ctld_csar|CTLD]]) **within 6km** of an oil rig and they will navigate toward it to conduct an assault. ;#; **Listen in on **250.000 Mhz** UHF for their chatter and extract the troops when requested.** ;#; \\ See also [[cyprus|CYPRUS SHIPBOARD OPS]] aera of operations. \\ {{ :wiki:oilrig.png?nolink&600 |}}